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Rincons Magnolia

Huacaya, Female, Proven | Medium Silver Grey

Sire: Emerald Farms Rincon Cloud, ARI# 848093  | Light Silver Grey

Dam: MAGIC MIDNIGHT MIST, ARI# 840209  | Black

Price: Sold

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Maggie is a beautiful Rincon daughter that we added to our herd to cross with Aussie .38 Special and our Silver Legend sons. She's produced some beautiful offspring, in fact we liked her daughter Emma so much we had to bring her home with us too. Maggie is currently bred to Accoyo America Endeavor which should result in a stunning cria. This fall she will be bred to Aussie .38 Special.

*Update* - Miss Maggie has given us a handsome healthy DRG male. Pictures to be posted soon.


ALPACAPALOOZA 2008 Judge Kathy M

Updated 3/27/2014