Home RAVA - Ranch Acres Alpacas, LLC

Polaris daughter!

RAVA's Rooney

Huacaya, Female, Medium Brown

Sire: Sunset Hills Jedi's Polaris, ARI# 1056457  | Medium Fawn

Dam: Snowmass Andean Cabella's Amber, ARI# 836750  | Medium Brown

Price: $1,000

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Rooney is our first Polaris cria and I have to say we are impressed. She has great structure to her fleece, strong bones and a sweet curious personality. Her mom is currently being bred to Aussie .38 Special, but we would put Amber back with Polaris in a heart beat. This combination definitely worked! Her full sister was a banner winner and we have no doubt Rooney will follow in her footsteps.

Currently boarded in VA.

Fiber / Scientific Data

04/14/2013AFD 18.91 SD 4.09 CV 21.65 CF 98.2 Staple Length: 95.0

at 4 months

at 6 months

2013 Fiber

Updated 6/11/2015