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Gorgeous Silver Grey Male!

Ore Hill Helios

Huacaya, Male, Proven | Medium Silver Grey | 1/4 Peruvian, 3/4 Chilean

Sire: Alpacaria's Chosen Accent, ARI# 818993  | Medium Silver Grey

Dam: Heladia, ARI# 172031  | Light Silver Grey

Price: Sold

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Helios is the grandson of The Colorado Pisarata an exceptional rose gray male whose descendents have maintained lingering fineness and consistent crimp. On his Sire's side --- his grandfather Peruvian Macusani was a well known grey Alianza import famous for winning ribbons and producing ribbon winning offspring. He was bred this past fall to our foundation female Princess Kiera and we should have his first cria hit the ground in the fall of 2012. We're hoping for gray!

Though he has never been shown, with this background and his consistent gray genetics, he has potential to be a great herdsire. Helios has a friendly, curious personality. His fiber is a gorgeous color and he has super long staple length. Unfortunately, we do not have room on herdsire row for this boy, so Helios has been moved to our sales list. Only $500 as a fiber male! Talk to us if you are interested in breeding rights!

Helios produced a striking little boy!

(Under Contract)

2012 Fiber

2012 son - Forrest

Updated 2/7/2013